EDIMAS - Prevention Management, Emergency Management, and Emergency Governance

Your trusted partner in Prevention Management, Emergency Management, and Emergency Governance. We provide expert services in Gestione della Prevenzione and Gestione delle Emergenze.

Our Core Services

Prevention Management

At EDIMAS, we focus on Prevention Management to mitigate risks before they occur. With our expert strategies, your organization will be better equipped to handle potential threats and avoid crises. Our team provides comprehensive plans that address both immediate and long-term prevention needs.

Emergency Management

We specialize in Emergency Management, offering rapid response solutions to unexpected events. From natural disasters to human-caused crises, our approach ensures minimal damage and maximum safety. Our expertise in Gestione delle Emergenze is recognized by businesses across various sectors.

Emergency Governance

EDIMAS also provides high-level Emergency Governance services, helping organizations establish clear frameworks for decision-making and response. Effective Governance delle Emergenze ensures that you can respond swiftly and effectively to any situation while maintaining organizational integrity.

Why Choose EDIMAS?

Our team at EDIMAS has extensive experience in Prevention Management and Emergency Governance. We understand the unique challenges faced by organizations and are committed to providing tailored solutions. Whether it’s Gestione della Prevenzione or handling emergencies with Governance delle Emergenze, we have the expertise you need.

Our Expertise Includes:

World Development Information Day


World Development Information Day

24 October – Mobilizing Public Opinion

A crucial aspect of development efforts is engaging public opinion, both in developing and developed nations, to support established objectives and policies. Governments of more advanced nations must enhance their efforts to increase public awareness of the interconnected nature of development and the importance of assisting developing countries in accelerating their economic and social progress. Similarly, governments in developing countries must continue to raise awareness at all levels about the benefits and sacrifices involved in development efforts and encourage full public participation in achieving these goals.

The responsibility for mobilizing public opinion primarily lies with national bodies. Governments may consider creating new national organizations or strengthening existing ones to raise public awareness and embed development-oriented education in curricula as part of long-term efforts. Leadership is critical in these efforts, with concrete aims being formulated by competent authorities to drive the mobilization of public opinion.

The role of the United Nations is to support national information media by providing fundamental data, from which they can draw both substance and inspiration for their work.

In 1972, the General Assembly established World Development Information Day to draw global attention to development challenges and the need for stronger international cooperation to address them (resolution 3038(XXVII)). The Assembly decided to align the observance of this day with United Nations Day on 24 October, which is also the anniversary of the adoption of the International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade in 1970.

The Assembly believed that improving the dissemination of information and mobilizing public opinion, particularly among young people, would raise awareness of development challenges and boost efforts toward international cooperation for development.

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World Development Information Day. PREVENTION MANAGEMENT
World Development Information Day.


Since the 1970s, governments have committed to the fundamental principles outlined in the Charter of the United Nations, aimed at fostering conditions of stability and well-being and ensuring a minimum standard of living that upholds human dignity through economic and social progress. The launch of the First United Nations Development Decade in 1961 marked a major global effort to give concrete expression to these commitments. Efforts have continued ever since to adopt measures that support these goals.

Unfortunately, millions of people around the world still live in poverty, facing malnutrition, lack of education, unemployment, and a shortage of basic amenities. Despite these challenges, frustration and disappointment must not obscure the ultimate vision or deter efforts to achieve development goals.

The success of international development activities largely depends on improvements in the broader global environment, particularly through concrete progress in advancing equal political, economic, social, and cultural rights for all.

The ultimate aim of development is to bring about sustained improvements in individuals’ well-being and ensure that its benefits reach everyone. When undue privilege, extremes of wealth, and social injustice persist, development fails in its core mission. The international community must rise to the challenge posed by the unprecedented opportunities created by advances in science and technology, ensuring that all countries share equitably in these benefits to accelerate global economic progress.

Science and Technology

Developing countries must continue to increase their investment in research and development. They should also intensify collaborative efforts, with support from the international community, to expand their capacity to apply science and technology to development, helping to narrow the technological gap.

Full international cooperation is needed to strengthen and promote scientific research and technological activities that contribute to economic expansion and modernization. Special focus should be placed on technologies tailored to each country’s specific needs, and research should be concentrated on key problems, where solutions can catalyze broader development.

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New Solutions to Development Challenges

Information and communications technologies (ICTs) offer new solutions to development challenges, particularly in the context of globalization. They can drive economic growth, increase competitiveness, improve access to information and knowledge, reduce poverty, and foster social inclusion. ICTs can also expedite the integration of all countries, particularly developing ones, into the global economy.

However, it is clear that ICTs present both opportunities and challenges. Developing countries face significant obstacles in accessing these technologies, including limited resources, infrastructure, education, investment, and connectivity, as well as issues related to technology ownership, standards, and transfer. To address these challenges, stakeholders are urged to provide adequate resources, build capacity, and facilitate technology transfer to developing countries under mutually agreed terms.

The Digital Divide

There are concerns regarding the digital divide—the gap in access to ICT tools and broadband connectivity between countries at different stages of development. This divide impacts many critical applications, including government services, business, healthcare, and education. There are particular concerns for developing countries, including least developed countries (LDCs), small island developing States (SIDS), and landlocked developing countries (LLDCs), all of which face unique challenges in achieving broadband connectivity (A/RES/65/141).

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