Constitutive Act
Internal Regulation and Code of Ethics


Our organization’s social responsibility (OSR) prioritizes ethical conduct, community support, and sustainable practices, ensuring our activities positively impact society and contribute to a better future for all.


Edimas Constitutive Act establishes a non-profit’s legal identity, purpose, structure, scope, powers, and duration. The Statute outlines governance, membership, meetings, financial management, amendments, and dissolution. Internal Regulations cover operations, conduct, conflict resolution, compliance, reporting, and evaluation. The Code of Ethics promotes integrity, confidentiality, respect, accountability, conflict management, and social responsibility.

Sergio Contessa

Secretary General

Patrizia Ferrazzo


Our non-profit organization’s Constitutive Act establishes its legal identity, defining our mission and governance structure. The Statute details our membership, financial management, and operational procedures. Internal Regulations ensure smooth, compliant operations, while our Code of Ethics upholds integrity, accountability, and social responsibility in all activities.

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